The 32 Station ESP MC Permanent Connector is designed, specifically for installation, on Rain Bird® ESP MC Controllers. Hence the ESP MC Permanent and Temporary Controller Connector cables simplify the installation of a Remote Control Universal Receiver to the Rain Bird® ESP MC Controller. Permanent & Temporary Controller Cables are compatible with the Commander or Sidekick Universal Receiver. In addition, Connector Cables are available in 12, 24, and 32-valve configurations. The Permanent Controller Cable (PCC) allows the user to mount a universal receiver to the side of a controller enclosure, wall, or any other vertical surface, allowing the user to have a permanent access point if controller access is not available. Ultimately irrigation professionals can depend on ESP MC Controller Cables for years of trouble-free operation.
Rain Bird ESP PCC Cut Sheet v1
Installing the 32-Station ESP MC Permanent Connector:
Installing the PCC is quick and simple. The instructions included with each cable, install the PCC housing and cable onto the controller enclosure. Next, connect the remaining 15-pin D-Sub connectors to the controller main board. The connector is labeled showing the applicable zones; just match the 15-pin D-Sub to the corresponding zone. Finally, connect a Universal Receiver to the 37-pin D-Sub connector on the PCC and the controller is ready for use.
Rain Bird® Controller options:
- Commander Receiver Only – Rain Bird® Modular 6 Pin Controllers
- Commander Receiver Only – Rain Bird® Modular 5 Pin Controllers
- Permanent Receiver Card for Rain Bird® Modular 6 Pin Controllers
- Permanent Receiver Card for Rain Bird® Modular 5 Pin Controllers
- Sidekick Controller Specific Systems for Rain Bird® Modular 6 Pin or 5 Pin Controllers
- Sidekick Controller Specific Receiver for Rain Bird® Modular 6 Pin or 5 Pin Controllers
- DCI-RB5 Logic Converter for Rain Bird® from 6 Pin to 5 Pin
- 12, 24, or 32 Permanent and Temporary Controller Connectors for Rain Bird® ESP MC Controllers
Rain Bird Controller-Specific Options